I asked ChatGPT to help me start writing on Medium for my first post

Lucid Ghost
5 min readMay 9, 2023


The results would blow your mind and shift your approach.

Photo by Shantanu Kumar on Unsplash

What is the first thing you’d do if you are stuck with a creative block, engaged in a problem, or facing a query? Consult Google or YouTube?

Obviously, even if we have a headache, we consult Google for possible symptoms, causes, etc.

Even though it sometimes showcases deadly conditions giving us a traumatic nightmare but sometimes it sure comes in handy.

Moreover, YouTube is certainly the best and most favorable option for many worldwide internet users. It is video-based which makes it quick and easy for those who want to avoid reading.

So, my query was “If I should start writing on Medium.” It was pretty obvious to find several blogs, articles, etc., on Google explaining how Medium is the best app for bloggers.

There are also several blogs comparing Medium with other applications which are useful but sometimes it can be biased as you never know these organically ranked content may also be indirectly directed.

The same goes for YouTube. Moreover, the content on YouTube is such a “SCAM” like “How to make $1000/month blogging on Medium,” which is why I thought I’d take a different route this time.

So, I shifted my approach, and instead of asking Google or YouTube, I asked a new friend, ChatGPT.

What I like about ChatGPT is that it is unbiased.

When you ask ChatGPT a query it feels more like a conversation or a guide you are consulting, instead of recommending some videos or blogs to refer to, which are possibly biased.

It collects the information from its pre-loaded database and generates a personalized response, which makes it sound more like a conversation.

It is like a living AI-based counselor but human-friendly. So, instead of giving me search results by referring to blogs, articles, and videos, I get to talk and have a conversation on the query.

Doesn’t that sound convincing already?

However, Google is soon to modify its “search” by integrating AI-based results that are personalized but ChatGPT has certainly set a great standard on this segment.

So, I first asked ChatGPT, “Should I start writing on Medium?

It said, “To start writing blogs on Medium is about your approach toward outcome and goals.”

If you want to connect with other professional writers, create a writing base for yourself, or share your opinions and writings with a reading audience then Medium is the perfect match.

This matched my description to start writing blogs on Medium. It also further explained the benefits of writing on Medium, and how extravaganza this application is for average and professional writers and bloggers.

More importantly, it suggested a few more similar applications like Tumblr, WordPress, and even some social media platforms like LinkedIn, and Twitter which were relevant and helpful.

Since ChatGPT is an AI-generative tool it is not designed for weighing biased or precise viewpoints which makes its responses “neutral.”

So, it did not land on a precise conclusion.

So then I asked ChatGPT, “How do I start writing blogs on Medium?

Without blabbering any trash, it went on point and gave me a few pointers to start writing blogs on Medium.

Firstly, create an account on Medium and set up your profile, and fill in all the information, description, and presentation.

It then told me to explore Medium and read some pre-existing blogs and articles written by other authors. This helps in understanding writing techniques, style, and interface presentation.

Coming back to the topic, it then told me to select a niche for my writing. It was helpful since there are many like me with experience writing in several sectors, and cannot decide on a single niche for the first post.

Once your niche is all set, start writing. Once you have written the blog, revise and check grammar. Make sure the flow, sound, and tone are proper and there are no blocks and breakers.

Click “Publish” and share your blog with everyone, everywhere possible.

ChatGPT’s responsive algorithm is personalized and human-friendly.

Instead of relying on a one-sided biased YouTube video, I could converse about the possible pros and cons, features, and other queries, making it the next alternative of Google to all our queries.

So, then to be precise, I asked ChatGPT “How do I choose a topic for my Medium blog?

It offered me a few tips to choose a topic, firstly stating, write about what you know. It means to start with something you feel has expertise, which could be anything, tech, food, mental health, etc.

Suppose you are a tech writer, then you can start writing about tech startups, tech tools, and innovations.

However, not everyone has prior experience or expertise. So select something you feel is a problem or a challenge that must be addressed, or something that is trending on the internet or among Medium writers.

Research Medium blogs to understand their writing techniques and how they are covering a niche. If you can write on any topic like a research writer, then this option is certainly the best for you.

But, if you are with a defined goal for your Medium endeavor, then understand your niche-based audience. Read specific blogs, learn what’s trending, and then cover them according to your audience's needs.

Lastly, it suggested combining topics. This is currently trending everywhere as several authors are connecting two topics in a single article building a connection.

Choosing a topic for a Medium blog is crucial and also should be the first step which requires research, effort, and mass reading. But, once you land on a niche, be precise, confident, and revised.

Since I was writing on AI last week, it gave me the idea itself to consult ChatGPT for my query instead of hopping to Google or YouTube which also landed a niche-based topic for my first blog on Medium.

But to confirm, I asked ChatGPT, “Shall I write about ChatGPT as my first topic on Medium?

It blushed! However, as per its algorithm, it was unbiased and gave me an indirectly neutral response.

It mentioned writing about artificial intelligence on Medium blog is currently trending among authors.

But if you choose ChatGPT specifically, you could write about its history, language models, architecture, features, and the potential future it holds.

It also suggested writing my own experience of using ChatGPT.

That’s just how I landed on a niche-based topic for my first blog on Medium with the help of ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is a man-made invention. Whether it holds a threat to mankind or not also depends on the “man.”

